
I am going to bring you that fire, passion, and intensity that we strive to have every day.

My goal is to help ignite that flame you’ve been longing for in that relationship with God.  Yes, some days are going to be harder than others, but we must push and dig deeper into our understanding of Him through ourselves. Since we are made in His image, finding ourselves is really the key that unlocks the door to Him.

I am Heather Ashley Baptiste. Born raised in a family of 4 girls in Palm Beach, FL to immigrant parents from Haiti (Ayiti, Cherie). Being Haitian has been the greatest gift that the Lord has bestowed upon me and it’s brought along some downfalls as well. Firstly, it has given me the chance to see the hatred that many have towards us although our history helped catapult many other revolutions to come (First Black Republic, Jan. 1st, 1804). Then I’ve also seen the compassion, support, and love from those who took the time away from their lives to us get back on our feet (Earthquake in Haiti, Jan. 12th, 2010). I’ve been bullied in my younger days and picked at in my older days (Thank you, #45, Jan. 2018). However, I’ve also been praised and applauded for upholding my roots wherever I plant myself.

The production of this blog is brought to you by the confidence the Lord continues to seep into me daily.  The road hasn’t been easy. Trust me, I am still a bit scared, but I am leaping into this while holding His hand and following with His direction. I pray to bring you some thought-provoking content as well as some that will move you in your spiritual walk with Him. I want you to know that it is about YOU which reflects HIM. You are made in His image even though we can never be Him and that’s okay!

Say this aloud:

“I love me, shamelessly because He who is me has brought me through the trenches and shined His light and mercy upon me. He’s done so with my family and friends, in my workplace, and in my community. I will not allow religion or tradition blind me from His love for me!”   

Also, remember:

Don’t ashamed of who you are (He has placed you in this position to solidify the purpose He has planned for you),

what you are (This may be undefined stage in life, but He is inviting you to seek Him to figure it out),

or when you are. (The timing is not yours, but the Lord’s).



Heather A. Baptiste

Content Creator