It’s The Heat and I’m back with the flame!

Remember that fire, passion, and intensity I talked about a few months ago? Yeah, that one… don’t be alarmed! It’s still here. It may have dimmed a little, but it was never put out.

I stepped away. I stepped away from it all. I gave up all social media platforms and I turned inward. During these few months, I’ve allowed myself to slow down. True story, I’m always on GO! Raise your hand if you can feel me. I’ve learned why I maneuver through life the way that I do and received clarity on my personal path to success. I’ve granted myself the time to reflect, pray and talk to my Father. I found myself so frustrated with not being able to hear Him. However, we tend get in our own way. We yearn to hear from Him and miss all the answers that may be right in front of us. It could be on that billboard, the song playing, or in that last conversation you had. We have to stay woke to His responses.

This time of absence has taught me one clear lesson: P.U.S.H! Pray Until Something Happens!        

We need that motivation to keep grinding, keep breathing, and to keep the faith. There are times where we want to give up just because we feel like we can’t withstand anything else the Lord has store for us, but it’s in that very moment, you dig deep, bend at the waist, and with all your might, you PUSH through it. I’m not talking about forcing yourself out of bed and dragging your feet to the office because you have to. I’m talking about waking up grateful for another day with so much glee and having your co-workers thinking ‘What’s gotten into her’?

The gag is, it’s not ‘what’s gotten into you’, it was already in you!

Usually, we think about tapping into that reservoir of strength at the very last minute. That moment where we’ve ‘had it up to here’ with the struggles and just can’t take it anymore. Why then? Why wait? Push through now so when the fight is over, you can go another round. You know the world isn’t going to stop for too long to celebrate your success because they’re off to the next celebration while your off to the next struggle. No matter where you are in this journey, just know that your path hasn’t been fully ventured yet, so you must push through this valley. You have some gas left over. Just like you know your car has some juice leftover when it’s on empty, you KNOW yourself. PUSH!

Well, where is this motivation? He has already gifted it to us. 2 Timothy 1: 7 says “…for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control”. You have control over emotions. You have control over your decisions. Don’t give into the FeaR. That’s just a False Reality, predetermined by your own thoughts that are now holding you back. You got this because you have God on your side. With your faith in Him and belief in His covenant, you will PUSH through it all! Don’t get in your own way. Push through those gloomy days and bring back that sunshine.

Thus, if you find yourself fasting from social media, say this aloud:

“My digital presence may be absent, but my physical presence remains. I promise to Pray Until Something Happens, thank God along way, and get through this day!”

Also, remember:

Don’t be ashamed of who you are (He has placed you in this position to solidify the purpose He has planned for you),

what you are (This may be undefined stage in life, but He is inviting you to seek Him to figure it out),

or when you are. (The timing is not yours, but the Lord’s).


Heather A. Baptiste

Content Creator