Dealing With My Own Shame: Journal Entry # 9

“The truth will set you free!” To deal with shame, we must move the focus from what we are not to who Christ says we are. Shame attacks our identity and tells us lies that we accept as truth. If you grew up in church you may have heard and elder yell, “TELL THE TRUTH AND SHAME THE DEVIL.” Lol, it’s very dramatic but it gives my point. The truth is, Christ died for our sins, pronounced us guiltless, and promised that His grace is sufficient for us, as well as free to us. We don’t have to and cannot earn His grace; the only thing to do is believe.

Dealing With My Own Shame: Journal Entry # 8

The process of pruning targets the removal of defective, dead, rotten, flimsy and non-productive tissue from the plants. To me, that is exactly what it feels like dealing with this shame. If you are like me, this is our pruning season. This is not our season to bear fruit, but instead it’s our season for God to dig deep down inside. God is pulling out that shame! Even better, He’s pulling out the shame and what came along with the shame.

Dealing With My Own Shame: Journal Entry # 7

Dealing with My Own Shame. 3.11.21 Journal Entry #7 Pride uses whatever it can to hide our shame instead of dealing with it. In the last journal entry, I talked about the importance of humbling yourself when it comes to shame. Humility in the sense of thinking of how our story can help others rather […]

Dealing with My Own Shame: Journal Entry #5

Then God took me a little deeper: my shame is being fueled by my pride (fearing what others would think of me if they knew what I was ashamed of) and if I let go of my pride (stop caring more about what other’s think than what God was telling me to do) then the shame will no l

Dealing with My Own Shame. Journal Entry #4

God told Hosea to marry a prostitute. A prostitute you guys… God told Hosea to marry a prostitute. That’s wild! To understand why I’m tripping right now I want you to understand the times here. Society then took honor and shame seriously! If you were to do anything wrong, you were getting stoned. They had no respect for a woman that has been with multiple men. In those times, marrying a prostitute wa

Dealing with My Own Shame. Journal Entry #1

1.31.21 Welcome. I would like to invite you to join this journey with me. The journey that involves me dealing with my own shame – in real time! Yes, I am dealing with this in real time, so I do not know how this is going to play out. If you are going on this […]